Jeff Orloff - Security Evangelist

Jeff Orloff currently serves as a Technology Coordinator for a large school district in South Florida and works as an independent web security consultant helping small and medium businesses deal with common security issues facing their web sites.


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Featured Blog Posts

WordPress Security

With over 9.7 million active installations of WordPress and 32 of the Technorati Top 100 ... read more ...

Web Hacking Facts and Figures

According to a new Data Breach Investigations Report from global comms and IT provider Verizon ... read more ...

Database Security Best Practices

Today, many tools make it easy for anyone to quickly set up a data-driven website, ... read more ...

Having a degree in English with a specialization in Technical Writing from the University of South Florida, Jeff enjoys writing about technical subjects and has contributed to IBM developerWorks, ComtpuerWorld, and has written two books, How To Do Everything:Ubuntu and MediaWiki 1.1:Beginner's Guide.

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